Sep 23, 2010

Emergency Preparation Tips for Typhoons

Almost all countries near major ocean bodies are plagued occasionally by the occurrence of typhoons. In the Pacific, the weather disturbance is widely called typhoon. It is cyclone in the Indian ocean and in the United States, where most often it comes from the Atlantic, it is called hurricane.

A typhoon is a massive accumulation of destructive winds and torrential rains over a huge body of water, particularly ocean. The accumulation is facilitated by an area characterized by the presence of a low-pressure, which makes evaporation and wind development faster.

Typhoons do not develop overnight. Often, it takes about a few days before one is developed. Usually, typhoons start as thunderstorms that accumulate strength and intensify into a massive weather disturbance.

Typhoons are easily tracked and monitored by weather satellites because of their huge radius and accumulated cloud system.

Thus, weather bureaus are always able to track a development of one, making it possible for concerned government and safety bodies to release typhoon warnings for the safety of people who might be affected by the weather onset.

A typhoon is an almost predictable calamity. Almost, because its tracks can easily change, but certain, because its presence is easily monitored.

Preparing for a typhoon

Countries that are always visited by typhoons have instituted safety measures to prepare people for the destructive weather occurrence and to help curb, if not totally prevent, injuries and casualties.

When a typhoon is about to hit an area, typhoon warnings should already be released, at least 24 to 48 hours before the expected landfall of the weather disturbance.

Thus, people, whose residences are within the warning areas, should first and foremost make the necessary safety precautions. Here are some of them.

·    Store enough food and drinking water that would last for a few days. The typhoons may bring in torrential rains and destructive winds that may ruin infrastructure. Groceries and markets might not be able to resume operations after a typhoon, so make sure your supplies would last until the situation goes back to normal.
·    Make sure your home is sturdy enough to endure potential gusty winds and flash floods. If not, just evacuate and go to designated safe evacuation or safety center.
·    During the typhoon, you may opt to put off electric currents within the house to prevent any electrical accidents. The local utility firm will voluntarily cut off the electric supply.
·    Typhoons bring in rains and winds so make sure you have jackets and umbrellas, in case you may need to flee.
·    If your home is safe enough, just stay indoors before and during the typhoon to ensure safety. During typhoons, electric wires might fall down to the streets and compromise safety. Same goes for falling, or even flying debris, which are the usual cause of injuries and casualties.
·    Always monitor news updates regarding the typhoon. Get transistor radios to make sure there would be no news blackout in case the electric and communication facilities shut down.

Remember that typhoons are weather phenomenon. One can never prevent it from forming and coming over. However, what people can do is to help prevent the destruction of the weather disturbance.

They can help by not becoming one of the casualties. Life is too precious and it is not worth losing it due to some occasional weather occurrence like the typhoon.

Tsunami: What to Do and How to Survive

Tsunamis used to be the stuff of movies and until it's devastation in Asia, most people didn’t think it was possible for tsunamis to occur in that magnitude.  With that realization, people have become aware of the risk and possible consequences of this natural calamity.

What is a tsunami?
Tsunamis are not caused by strong winds but by tectonic displacements (earthquakes, volcano eruptions, landslides) that occur on the seafloor.  Earthquakes that produce tsunamis are those that reach 6.5 or more on the Richter scale.  The average speed of the waves is 300 mph and can last from 5 minutes to an hour. 

In open sea, tsunamis usually go unnoticed, having amplitudes of just 1 meter or even less.  However, in some situations, waves that enter shallow water can swell to several feet and in some rare cases, rise high enough to strike coastal areas with terrible force.

Who's at risk?
People who live in coastal areas located along or near the Pacific Ocean are most prone to tsunamis.  This area is most vulnerable because of seismic activity in what is called the Ring of Fire.  It has also occurred in Puerto Rico, Alaska, Hawaii and the Virgin Islands.

What to do in a tsunami emergency
When a strong earthquake is felt, leave the water immediately, get to shore and go as far away as you can from the beach, fast.  If your location allows it, go to a higher ground.  If the area you are in is mostly flat, go as far inland as you can.  If you can spot the wave, you are too close to escape it, regardless of its apparent distance. 

Tune in to your local radio station, the weather radio or turn on the TV for news and updates.  They will inform you if there is a tsunami watch or warning issued in your area and where the emergency centers are. 

Locate all members of your family and make sure everyone is informed.  Agree on a place to meet in case you're not together and make sure it's safe and as far away from the shore as possible.

If you have family members who have special needs like elderly people, small children or infants and those with disabilities, you might want to evacuate early.  You might also want to prepare your pets for moving, so bring emergency supplies for them as well.

Check your emergency supply kits and bring them with you.  It would be a good idea if they had been regularly restocked but if not, take what you can or get what is needed if you still have the time and opportunity.  Otherwise, opt to get water, food and extra clothes instead.

You might want to secure your house, but remember that this is the last priority.  Your life and that of your family's are the most important considerations during a tsunami emergency.  Expect items in your house to be swept away and if you could still secure them, do so.

Tsunami watch vs. tsunami warning
A tsunami watch is different from a tsunami warning.  A tsunami watch means that the presence of a dangerous tsunami is not yet confirmed or verified, although it is possible there is one.  It also includes predictions on what time the tsunami is expected and where it will possibly strike.

A tsunami warning means that there is a confirmed tsunami in your area and it could be close.  The warning will include the time at which the tsunami is expected and which areas are affected.

As a last emergency tip…
If you find yourself under the mercy of an incoming wave, climb onto the rooftop of your house or on the highest point of the nearest structure and brace yourself.  Hold on tightly to anything that's strong and stable enough.  Climb a tree if you have to and don’t let go.

If you're already in the water, grab a floating object that can hold your weight and hold onto it until you can reach stable ground or when help is available.  Grab onto anything that is firm and strive to get out of the water as much as possible.  The current will be strong and there could be heavy and sharp debris in the water that could crash into you.

Tsunamis, like most things nature produces, are uncontrollable.  The only advantage is that they do come with a warning (a strong earthquake).  The only way to survive it is to be prepared, be ready to go and to keep your wits about you. 

Tips For Emergency Preparation During Severe Climate Changes

Tips For Emergency Preparation During Severe Climate Changes

Due to global warming and other factors, the changes in our climate have become drastic. We have seen the devastation of properties and cities. Many lives have also been lost due to super typhoons and hurricanes, which caused flooding, and extremely hot weather condition, which caused heat wave. Since we are no longer sure what type of weather will hit our locality, all of us should be prepared for whatever situation certain climate changes and situations would bring.

Tips for preparing for hurricanes and storms

Check your house

Our house is our sanctuary during storms; thus, we need to regularly check the integrity of our roofs, walls, etc even before the hurricane season arrives. Since our house is our only defense against heavy rains and strong winds, we need to ensure that it can withstand severe weather conditions, especially if we live in hurricane prone areas.

Once a hurricane warning has been issued, we need to start boarding up our windows and doors. We also need to shut off our gas and electricity and make sure that all objects that can fall or fly around must be removed.

Prepare for provisions

When a hurricane warning has been issued, you need to make sure that you and your family has enough water and food to last for days. Be sure that the food you will be stocking up are those that can be eaten even without cooking and does not need to be refrigerated. Moreover, you need to make sure that you have enough potable water for you and your family.

Aside from food, you need to prepare for candles, matches, flashlights and batteries. In order for you to be always informed on what is happening, you need to have a battery-operated radio available.

Heed government warnings

If the government has called for an evacuation, do not think twice. Follow the advice of the government. Just make sure that your home is properly secured before you leave.

Tips for preparing for heat wave

Extremely hot weather can be dangerous, particularly for young children, old people, and those with certain health conditions, such as mental illness, heart and breathing problems.

Listen to the news

We need to closely monitor the situation and wait for warnings and bulletins issued by the government. Many people have died because they did not know that there is a heat wave and it was unsafe for them to go out during the hottest part of the day.

Stay out of the sun

It is really advisable to stay indoors when there is a heat wave. If you must go out, you need to ensure that you are wearing proper clothing and have a protection against the sun, such as a hat or an umbrella. You also need to schedule your day well so that you will be indoors from 11pm to 3pm, the hottest part of the day.

Shower up

Take a cold bath or shower several times a day. If you cannot do that, just wash your face and nape with cool water occasionally or whenever you feel hot.

Regularly check on your elderly relatives and neighbors

Old people are usually the ones who succumb to heat wave, thus you need to check your old relatives or neighbors once in a while. See if they are drinking plenty of water and are feeling well. If you cannot physically visit them, you can always call them during the day and constantly remind them to follow health bulletins for heat wave.

Surviving the Imperfect Storm: Tips for Emergency Preparations

If you live in a storm-prone area, you should be used by now on what to do, where to go and what to have to be prepared for bad weather.  However, if you're not used to getting pummeled by high winds and hard rain, you probably don't have an idea how best to face a storm situation.

For starters, storms do not just come without a warning.  Weather stations monitor the atmosphere day in and day out.  If a storm is possible, they will issue two types of warnings:

Storm watch – is issued when there is a possible storm in your area.  You probably will be experiencing a dark, cloudy sky, an unusually windy day and some rain.  The storm may or may not come, but this is the time to keep tuned to your local radio for news and updates.

Storm warning – is issued when a storm is headed toward your area.  Try to stay indoors as much as possible.  Or if residents are advised to evacuate to a safer place, go as early as you can.  Don’t wait until the last minute to leave your house.  By that time, the streets could be flooded and traffic is bad.  You don’t want to be caught in your car in bad weather.

Blizzard – usually occurs in winter and means heavy snow, strong winds and wind chill.  When a warning is issued, avoid traveling as much as possible and stay indoors.  There is no use exposing yourself outdoors where you could get trapped in traffic or in locations where you will be difficult to reach or worse, find.

For all our technology, no one can stop a storm from coming.  The only way to survive it is to be prepared to face the emergency.  Things don’t always go bad during storms, but weather is unpredictable and anything can happen.  To help you prepare for a storm emergency, here are a few tips:

Dress up.
Wear enough clothes to keep yourself warm.  Heat may not be available in your house so get extra coats and blankets to maintain your body temperature sufficiently.  Have your mittens, gloves, hats, socks and boots ready as well.

Have food ready.
Emergency provisions are a must during storm emergencies.  Make sure you stock on no-cook food, canned food, some candy and other non-perishable items.  And don't forget can openers, scissors or utensils.  If the storm gets too bad and the streets are flooded, you will have a difficulty going out to the grocery shops.  Besides, stores might be closed.

Keep bottles of water handy.  Clean water may be hard to come by during really bad conditions and the worst thing you can do is suffer from dehydration because you were not prepared.  Keep a supply of at least one gallon for every person per day that will last for 3 to 4 days.

Fill the tub.
You'll need more water for washing and flushing the toilets.  When the power is out, your water pump won't operate, so best fill your bath tub, water containers and pails with water.  If you have small children in the house, take precautions by covering deep containers and keeping children away from the bathroom unless necessary.

Emergency kit
Have a medical or first kit ready and make sure it's freshly-stocked.  It should contain disinfectants, gauzes, cotton balls, Q-tips, medicated plasters and necessary medicines.  It's also a good idea to have another kit in your car.

If anyone in your family is under special medication, make sure you have enough supplies to last until after the storm is over and drug stores are open.

Lights off
Expect power outages during storm emergencies.  You won't have any electricity, so stock on candles, flashlights and emergency lights.  Have extra fresh batteries and matches in case you run out. 

If you can't turn on the TV, have a battery-powered radio tuned in to a station that covers your area.  Media will monitor the storm and will keep you updated.

You might need hot water during the period when power is not yet available, so keep a small tank of gas around just in case.  Your outdoor gas grill will do nicely.

Get an alternate shelter.
If you think your house will suffer considerably, it's a good idea to consider an alternate shelter.  It could be an evacuation center or another house or building that is safer.  Make sure you have enough gas in your tank in case you need to get out of the house and move someplace.  Keep to a higher ground where you have better chances of being safe and dry.

Vital steps in preparation for an industrial emergency

First things first, the fact of the matter is that there are great benefits to be had when there is guidance and ample preparation in cases of an emergency.

Planning and preparation helps industries and corporation discover any hazardous problems or conditions that could be unrecognized and if not paid attention to could possibly aggravate a situation. 

When there is preparation, deficiencies are immediately brought to light. 

Some of these deficiencies could include resource-lack (e.g. lack of personnel that are adequately trained, lack of supplies, lack of equipment, to name a few).  Knowing these details beforehand helps correct any lack in the soonest possible time.

It also prevents major losses and casualties as well as financial organizational collapse.

Another advantage of preparing for an industrial emergency is that it helps promote appropriate safety and awareness among the workers as well as present a company that is concerned with the welfare of all its staff.

The following are some of the needed steps designed to assist industrial plants as well as businesses in preparing for any type of emergency.

Establish a team

As much as possible, set-up a good planning team. A leader as well as a staff must be chosen as based on their appropriate capabilities and skills.

Particular tasks should also be assigned to teams or individuals. 

Analyze hazards and capabilities

It is also important to assess the preparations the industrial plant or the organization currently has against risks such as power failure, damage in structures, among others. 

In an emergency such as flooding, contacting the manager of the local floodplain as well as other flood officials helps organization and industries learn the risks involved. 

Using building materials that are flood-resistant, erecting a physical barrier as well as anchoring structures and tanks is one of the ways to prepare in advance for flood emergencies.

Meanwhile, preparing against high winds is by reinforcing the roof as well as the side panels.  Covering windows is also important, covering the doors and removing any objects that are loose from the industrial plant’s site is a must.

Have a backup

As much as possible, have a backup emergency power such as a battery storage, power and heat system combined.  It is also vital that contact utility info be obtained in case of a power outage.

The plan should be developed

It is important that there is a plan developed during, before as well as after a particular emergency.  Protocols should be established for the welfare of the employees, especially their safety and similarly the readiness of the site.

Emergency power should also be updated as well as the options for power supply.  Communication emergency systems must also be established.

Responsibilities for each staff with regards to the recovery, shutdown and restart procedure should be outlined.

An evacuation plan should also be developed including employee support.  Procedures on shutting down the utility and the safe processing of operations is a necessity. 

Methods in protecting records, inventory and materials must also be developed. 

Plan implementation

Staying in touch with the operations emergency center on your own state is important. 

In this stage, the appropriate preparation, shutdown, emergency backup and evacuation should be started.

All in all, the final stage is the recovery process and the assessment of the damages brought by the emergency as well as in prioritizing needed repairs.  Hopefully, the procedures above helps in the adequate preparation of industries and organization. 

Prepare for the worst hurricane in the best way possible

Believe it or not, the coastline of the United states is regularly battered by hurricanes – about five on the average – every 3 years. 

The fact of the matter is that hurricanes do bring lots of winds – some as strong as a hundred miles every hour.  Along with hurricanes also come water surges that reach to twenty feet in height. 

Such cyclones are extremely dangerous, therefore preparing for their onslaught especially during the months between June up until November, is a smart and practical thing to do.

The following are tips and advice you could do to be able to best prepare for any worst that could happen when hurricanes come.

Be aware and beware

Understand and know that every hurricane is a lot different, preparing for the possible worst is usually the best option as it makes one prepare and be pro active.

Make a list and check it twice

Try to make up a list of all the items found in your backyard or front yard which you think you need to bring in the house when a hurricane hits.  The items which could be included in this list are the tools for the yard or lawn furniture.

Trim it

As much as possible, try to keep shrubbery and trees trimmed.  Doing so prevents any unnecessary entanglements brought about by tree branches or the like.

Drain it

As much as possible, try to ensure that all the gutters as well as drains in your area are appropriately cleared.  This is so that further flooding is prevented especially during the bouts of long and heavy rainfall that usually accompany strong hurricanes.

Use shutters specifically designed for hurricanes

Using shutters permanently for the doors and windows is a much safer and better alternative that simply taping all the glass as doing the latter does not in any way prevent the glass’ breakage.  You could also protect the window from the outside using plywood or the shutters.

Plan for an evacuation

As much as possible, develop a plan for evacuation.  Try to communicate with your emergency local management chapter or office of the Red Cross.

They may be able to provide you with the route for evacuation as well as shelters that are nearby. 

Prepare blankets

Have ready sleeping bags and blankets just in case there is a need for you to have to rush to a shelter.

Think about your pets too

Know in advance what you could do to take care of your pets.   A lot of animals were abandoned during the onslaught of hurricane Katrina.

Gather needed emergency supplies

As much as possible, prepare supplies beforehand.  Included in this list of supplies should be flashlights, batteries, a radio, water and food, first aid kits, can opener. 

An additional tip is by turning the temperature of your fridge to the highest setting.  The reason for this is when the power goes off, the cool air of your fridge will get to stay a lot longer, thereby preserving your food a lot longer.

Elevate your home and furniture

It is also a good idea to elevate your house especially if hurricane and flooding is a common thing in your area.

All in all, preparing for the worst is always the best course available.  It could save you precious time and energy as well as possibly save your life as well as those of your loved ones. 

It is now or never, prepare for home emergency

The fact of the matter is that not one person knows just exactly are the specific problems that could eventually result during a major and over all emergency.  The best thing one could possibly due is make himself prepare for anything that could happen. 

The following are some of the tips, advice and recommendation in order to amply prepare for an emergency.  The following are from the emergency service from the California office of the Red Cross.

Water is life, life is water

As much as possible, try to keep a water supply of a gallon for every person each day and one that would be enough to go on for up to three to seven days.

Water should be kept in containers made of plastic.  Also, make sure that you also have filters and tablets for the purposes of purification ready and available when needed.

Store food for you and your family

Food that is not as easily perishable should be stored for you and your family, and such foods must be enough to last you, your family, as well as your pets, for three days up until one week. 

Examples of such foods are canned goods, powdered juices, boxed vegetables and food.

Have an alterative

It is always a wise idea to have a cooking source that could serve as an alternative besides the usual electric stove you may be used to. 

Having a ready barbecue stove or a propane stove on hand is the best recourse if in case the electricity goes out or if gas becomes no longer available. 

However, if you are to utilize propane, ensure that the tank is completely full and that an extra propane tank is also available.

Collect clothes

Have a ready and available stock of clothes for your kids and yourself as well as sleeping bags.

Collect wood

Having a steady supply of good wood is also a good idea as these could be used for those fireplaces or for stoves that use wood for burning.

Have a light

A flashlight is the item that you simply could not do without especially during emergencies.  Try to consider using recharging through solar means as well as units that are cranked by hand.  This is in order to avoid any future worries on batteries.

Keep prescriptions

As much as possible, try to keep any prescriptions that you or your family member may have filled.  Also, try to maintain an added supply of medication both non-prescription and prescribed ones. 

Contact your healthcare provider for any refill prescriptions in advance.

Have cash and some gas

Credit is good unless there is an emergency.  Try to keep ready cash just in case the atm’s fail or the system of your bank is not working. 

Also, it is best if you keep the gas tank of your car half full.  This is so to avoid the long lines in gas stations.

Have books

During emergencies, it could be safe to have some books and some board games available to entertain yourself during power failure.

Know thy neighbor

It is also better if you acquaint yourself with the neighbors you have in your area.  There could be instances wherein you ay need each other’s help if ever the basic services are somewhat interrupted.

All in all, preparation is always the best cure against any unexpected circumstance that an emergency might bring.

Fire Emergency Preparation for Schools

A fire can occur at any place even if there are systems in place such as smoke alarms and water sprinklers. Should this happen in the school where the person is working in, it will be a good idea to review the emergency preparation plans.

The fire emergency preparation plan involves two things. These are namely information and delegation. The first thing the individual should do is read the manual and note where are the nearest exits. This is usually posted in each classroom with lighted signage’s showing the way.

This matter should also be discussed with fellow faculty and staff if certain improvements can be suggested. It is only after a well thought of plan is made that this should be explained to the students. 

The sad part is there will be some people who will not take the matter seriously. This should be firmly stressed because this could mean a matter of life or death to everyone when this happens. .

There may be fire drills conducted once a year but these are not done on a regular basis. This means that many will panic when the real thing happens so preparedness is something that should not be taken lightly. 

Delegation depends on who first noticed the fire until the evacuation has been done. If there is smoke coming out of one room, the individual should not open the door because oxygen will just make the fire stronger causing a back draft and a possible explosion.

The individual should immediately call 911 and pull the fire switch so that the teachers and the students are alerted of the danger. Some classes may order everyone to form a line in the back then proceed out slowly to safety by moving to the nearest fire exit.

There are fire extinguishers usually situated along the hallways or in the classrooms. These can be used to handle small fires but should not be used to handle bigger ones because there is not enough to kill the blaze. The person should not try to be a hero but rather help get other people out.

There will usually be a lot of smoke making it difficult to see what is in front. To avoid suffocating, it will be a good idea to put something to cover the face and then use the sense of touch to get the feel of what is in front.

Elevators should never been used in the event of a fire. The power could short out keeping the person trapped inside and even cause death due to smoke inhalation. All personnel should use the stairs since this is the fastest way to get out.

Should someone be caught on fire, the individual should help by putting a heavy blanket to put out the flames. If this should happen to the person, the right thing to do would be to stop, drop and roll.

The last part of any fire preparation plan is the assembly point where everyone in the class should meet so everyone can be accounted for. Everyone should stay put until someone with higher authority issues the order that it is safe to go back inside.

Everyone should be well aware of the fire emergency preparation plan since this is the only way to get out of a dangerous situation.

Tips on earthquake emergency preparation

The year 1906 was a determining factor in how future resident of the San Francisco area would live their lives.  Will they be able to sleep peacefully at night knowing that anything can happen between the time they slept and the time they will be awake.  But the question for most people is the possibility that they may never wake up again.

The same goes for the people in Mexico, Baguio in the Philippines, Indonesia, Japan and other countries that have been victimized by strong earthquakes.  Most of these people were caught unaware and this made the disaster more disastrous.

San Franciscans are aware that someday, their city will fall into the depths of the city.  But why do they continue to live in a city, which though beautiful, is a catastrophe waiting to happen again?

Most of the people living in earthquake-prone areas prefer to live each day with the thought that they might never wake up again.  However, what makes them different from majority of the people living safe lives in safe places is the fact that they are aware that a tragedy like an earthquake may strike them anytime and they are prepared for it.

These people party and live life to the fullest but they made sure they live in earthquake-safe buildings.  Most of the high rise establishments were constructed with a strong earthquake in mind

Jason, a technology specialist lives in the Marina area which is the most earthquake-prone area in the city.  While he accepts that he is taking a big risk living in that area, he takes no chances and always stores several gallons of water nearby.

He has also prepared earthquake packs and emergency kits containing first aid medicines as well as food packs that can be eaten right out of the packet.  He also has extra flashlights, batteries and other thing-a-magics guaranteed to make any normal person flip out.

The most important thing to remember during an earthquake is to duck and keep off everything heavy that may fall on anyone.  However, there are other earthquake emergency tips that will benefit any person who would be faced with an emergency earthquake situation at any time in his life.

When faced with an earthquake circumstance, it is always better to seek refuge from tables that can protect a person from heavy objects that are falling from everywhere.  When this is however not practical, a person should immediately go out and proceed to an open area without the danger of falling trees, high rises or power cables.  

Those who are caught driving when an earthquake occurs would be better off if they stay inside their car.  When inside a grocery or a mall, make sure that the person is away from heavy shelves and other objects.  When inside a theater or a sports stadium and an earthquake occurs, never run for safety and join the hundreds of people doing the same.  Duck under the seat and wait until everything clears up.

A lot of people get hurt or even die not because of the earthquake itself but because of panic and failure to prepare for such an emergency.  It is always helpful to have an emergency earthquake plan even if earthquakes are not common in the area.

Survival will always depend on how prepared a person is for emergencies.  People who have not prepared for the worse case scenario are the ones who have the tendency to panic.  And in most cases, those who panic and lose their presence of mind become the first victims of any emergency,

Importance of climate change emergency preparation

The world is getting smaller everyday because of the technological advancements of mankind.  However, the same factors responsible for making human life and the human race better is also responsible for the degradation of the environment.

Man has been exposed to a more comfortable life and he wants more.  He may have everything he needs to live a better and more comfortable life but he is becoming greedy to the point of wanting more than what Mother Nature can afford.

The environmental disasters that are reported in different countries almost every day should serve as a wake up call to humanity that perhaps, they should now be more considerate of the environment.  Mother Nature may be generous but she can also become angry and vindictive when she has reached the saturation point.

The strong typhoon, earthquake, soil erosion leading to the collapse of residential areas are just some of the common disasters that are actually caused by men.  Illegal logging, the throwing of industrial wastes in the rivers, increased used of un-biodegradable materials are only among the few sins mankind has committed against nature.

Evidence will point out to the fact that environmental retribution will most likely behold mankind soon and he should be prepared for a major disaster brought about by climate change anytime now or in the future.

The issue on the greenhouse effect is not just propaganda in order for environmentalist groups to earn their funding requirement.    Global warming is upon us and this can be gleamed from the major environmental changes like too much heat, too much cold and other phenomenon that mankind is faced with. 

But no matter what mankind does now, he can ever revert global warming; he can only delay it.  What is important is mankind knows the possible effects of climate change and what can be done to alleviate the negative effects.

Climate change can lead to emergencies like the increasing level of the sea water, forest fires and other manifestations.   When this happens, the scientists and world leaders should have an emergency program that they can implement to make sure that lives are not lost and properties are not wasted.

The first thing to do is to launch a massive information campaign to make the whole world aware of what is happening in the environment as a result of climate change.  People should know what to expect in terms of the possible environmental disasters as well as the possible diseases that may be caused by climate change.

The best emergency preparation kit for people all over the world is knowledge.  Knowledge on what is about to befall them once the effects of climate change becomes manifest in our environment would help societies lessen the brunt of the anger of Mother Nature.

Every country should prepare for any emergency brought about by climate change.  Even the first world countries that have all the technology would have a hard time facing this disaster.  How much more the third world countries that are not even past the problem of providing food resources for their citizens?

Every household should be taught how to prepare for climate change emergencies.  They should no longer rely on their governments to see them through the effects of climate change because once that happens, there may be a possibility that even government will become debilitated to act.

Everyone has to act now.  They do not have a choice.

Sep 22, 2010

Discover The Secret To Fast Learning

Discover The Secret To Fast Learning

Can you still recall the cartoon series featuring Wily Coyote and the Roadrunner?

“Fast” brings back the image of the Roadrunner zooming past the obstacles laid out by Wily Coyote.

Speed may allow you to arrive at your intended destination; but along the way, were you able to take note of the things that you may have missed while speeding along the fast lane? As in driving, zooming in fast does not give enough opportunity to see and enjoy the view. The same can be said about learning.

Much of what you learn can be acquired through reading. The simple activity of getting in a comfortable position and start reading a book of your choice opens a new world for you. Reading enables you to tap into the minds of great people.

The more you read, the more you know. In the hope of reading more books, some attempt fast track reading. It is believed that the faster you read, the more you cover.

Fast track reading may involve reading by phrases and concepts compared with the word-for-word method. Fast track reading enables you to cover more pages with the same rate. However, one limitation of this method of learning is that you tend to remember only a small portion of the main idea. There is danger that you might miss the important details in the book.

There is a solution for this. Few people are aware of this seldom-talked about technique in fast learning. This is based on the principle that the mind thinks in pictures.

Learning is accelerated when you “see” the whole idea of the write-up or book. Seeing “live pictures” of ideas and thoughts of the writer makes reading experiential and unforgettable. When you see nothing while reading, you learn nothing. Fast reading becomes useless.

This technique is called visualization. Visualization is vital to quick learning. Visualization in reading is like constructing a jigsaw puzzle where pieces are put together to form the whole picture. The whole thing not only “appears,” but actually “comes alive” before you. All of these happen in the realm of the mind.

Just going through the motions of fast reading can give you a hazy picture of the subject matter. But like a mist, this picture often quickly evaporates into thin air. Fast reading without visual pictures often informs but very seldom impresses.

Impressions last while information changes with time. Past information is easily forgotten in favor of new ones. Impressions change you, and these are stored permanently in the mind.

For learning to become effective, it requires brief pauses to be able to visualize and reflect. Effective learning is not about how fast you can finish reading a book. It is more on how you effectively comprehend the ideas brought forth by the writer.

Visual pictures provide lasting impressions. Go after ideas and how it will enrich people’s existence. Go for lasting impressions and insights that will mold you into better individuals.

Learn to Solve Your Problems

Learn to Solve Your Problems

How much percentage in a class of 30 students would agree to you that Mathematics is a great subject? You might answer “around 10 to 35%” and that is all. True, most kids today are not thrilled to solve Mathematical equations not because they do not know the processes involved, but because of the lack of interest in it.

In a similar way, our daily activities do not mean 100% joy and 0% problems. At times, we have more problems than joy. Fortunately, some individual are skilled in handling problems right. Want to know their secrets?

Well, carefree people, as some might call them, have one thing in common: optimism. These kinds of people do not mean they never had problems before. Try remembering a colleague, a relative, a friend, or someone from your community who has the brightest smile at the start until the end of the day. How many times did you see that person frown? Carefree people are fun to be with because their attitude is contagious. Have you tried asking them how they carry their problems lightly? Below are their secrets:

1.      Learn to control your feelings by separating negative feelings from positive thoughts. This is the first step in solving problems. Only after you have cleared your mind with unnecessary thoughts can you start solving your problems accordingly.

2.      Treat each problem as challenge and opportunity for self-improvement.

3.      Free that scapegoat attitude. Are you pointing your finger or blaming others for mishaps? Take responsibilities for your mistakes. No one is perfect, so never put the blames on others.

4.      Use a pen and paper, and rate the depth of the problem and possible answers to your problem. Probability law principle will allow you to evaluate how far you have thought of resolving your problems.

5.      Keep a journal and treat it as a “secret friend” who is always willing to listen to your grievances. Write your feelings freely.

6.      Develop a noteworthy hobby, for this will help you lessen or minimize stress in your life.

7.      Take time off from work and create variations of your daily schedule. Relax and check out the best movies in town. Travel and meet new wonderful people. You will find these activities worthwhile in the long run.

The above tips will help you optimize those positive feelings of yours. Say you are already consumed by some problems. Here are the 1-2-3 steps in doing your problem solving:

1.      Determine the root cause of the problem. If you think it is difficult, ask hundreds of why’s and what’s and you will soon find out the cause.

2.      Think, strategize, and act for resolution.

3.      Develop a strong desire to solve the problem.

4.      Review the situation for you to avoid repeating the same mistakes committed beforehand.

Consider that everybody experiences lowliness many times, but problems are problems. They are there not to annoy you; but problems are created when you cannot accept your limitations. Once you accept your limitations, problem solving is just a 1-2-3 step, hassle-free, and a life-sharpening experience indeed. Hence, never consume or lock yourself in your room when problem strikes. Think that problems are states of your being limited to something you need the most. But if you cannot have that important thing, accept it. Let go and you will free yourself with worries. Remember, less worries mean less problems. If you think that you really want some time out because of problems, consider that there is another room available for you called “improvement.”

Learn to Set Goals

Learn to Set Goals

There are those who are bounded by laws and rules, yet success is too distant for them. On the other hand, there are those who appears to be easy going people but are successful. Think you have what it takes to be like them? Or would you rather do something different to achieve the elusive success? Take heart and set your goals.

What do goals represent by the way? These are actually representations of your visions about you and your future. Goals should be achievable and realistic. These kinds of goals allow you to put them into practice or at least do some activities that allow you to monitor your progress. However, more is involved in just merely setting realistic goals. Remember that in order to achieve your goals, you must act according to your goals. Otherwise, all else would be vanity if you do not exert effort in reaching them. The following will help you set achievable goals:

1.     Enhance your skills in achieving targeted goals by setting objectives, as well as standard and optional activities that will help you meet your goals.

2.     Strategize and take risks in meeting your goals. Strategic thinking is very important because this will allow you to be productive and focus on the activities according to your goals.

3.     Act in accordance to your goals. Proper mind setting is very important in achieving your goals. Take the extra mile. Try taking risks but never compromise your safety. Taking risks means that you are ready to learn new things and challenges that will help you in the long run.

On one hand, you may wonder why there is a need for you to set goals if you think you have not failed at all in your endeavors. Remember that setting goals does not mean that you always fail. Setting goals means that you are acknowledging your limitations and you are ready to work your way up towards success, professionally or personally. It is for this reason why objective goals matter.

Moving forward, you also have to consider that there are goals that are just too hard to achieve on your own. At times, these goals even create conflicts that you might think of surrendering in the long run. Take heart. Everybody have similar concerns at times. If this situation occurs and you think that surrendering is the last option, why not look for a partner, a friend maybe who is willing to help you out with your goals? Collaborate with your prospective partner and learn to prioritize.  If it requires spending time in plotting all the possibilities, both the pros and cons, try it.

Remember that goal setting is focused on your benefits. So try working things out and focus, focus, and focus. Minimize or avoid distractions if possible so you can work your goals better. Work that proper mindset for a clearer vision of you achieving those valuable goals. If you are vying for promotion in your workplace, it is important that you see yourself already in the position you want. If you are aiming for a personal or educational goal, make things happen by planning and doing things related to your goals. You will then realize that goals, no matter how difficult they may appear, are still valuable to consider. Once your goals are achieved, sweet success knocks on your door commending you for a job well done.